Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quotations about Inborn Talents by Fame People..

Are we born with talent or hang onto that which we all are given. Probably a bit of both. Inborn talent is a proven thing, as is the effects of education. The key, then, is to know your own talent and then milk it for all that it’s worth !


‘To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent.’
Henri-Frédéric Amiel

‘It takes little talent to see what is under one’s nose,
but a good deal of it to know in what direction to point that organ.’—W. H. Auden

‘The luck of having talent is not enough; one must also have a talent for luck.’
— Hector Berlioz

‘Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.’— Leo Buscaglia

‘To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which could be his finest hour.’— Winston Churchill

‘Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt.’— Edward de Bono

‘I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.’— Albert Einstein

Imagination is not a talent of some men but is the health of every man.’
Ralph Waldo Emerson

‘Every man starts with all there is.
Everything is here–the essence and substance of all there is.’— Henry Ford

‘Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.’— Erica Jong

'The most gifted members of the human species are at their creative best when they cannot have their way, and must compensate for what they miss by realizing and cultivating their capacities and talents.’— Eric Hoffer

‘For if the talent or individuality is there, it should be expressed. If it doesn’t find its way out into the air, it can be turned inward and gnaw like the fox at the Spartan boy’s belly.’
Shirley McLaine

‘The most successful scientists are not the most talented. But they are the ones who are impelled by curiosity. They’ve got to know what the answer is’— Arthur Schawlow

‘The trick to creativity, if there is a single, useful thing to say about it, is to identify your own particular talent and then settle down to work with it for a good long time.’
Denise Shekerjian

‘Unused talents gives you no advantage over someone who has no talent at all.’
Mark Twain

"Where there is a will , there is a Way "

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Neurobics- The Ultimate Brain Exercise

"It's like having more cell towers in your brain to send messages along. The more cell towers you have, the fewer missed calls,"Exercise is emerging as an extremely valuable way to enhance brain health. Studies show that even 30 minutes of brisk walking daily can improve blood flow to the brain, boosting neural growth factors and brain connectivity, perhaps as much as mental cross-training does.

Mental stimulation is one key. The more you challenge your brain, the more new nerve pathways you form. A mini-industry of brain teasers, puzzles and computer games has sprung up to help worried baby boomers do just that. But you can give your brain a good workout with just a few modifications in your daily life.

Stress has the opposite effect. The stress hormone cortisol depresses the growth of nerve cells and the connections between them. Yoga, meditation, exercise and social interaction can all help alleviate it

Getting sufficient sleep is also crucial. "REM sleep is when we consolidate memory and cement it in the brain,"."Let's put it this way: the brain represents three percent of the body's weight and uses 20 percent of the body's energy."

Examples Of Neurobics

  • Spend time in a new environment. Go to a new park, or a new store. Travel, by the way, seems to slow down age-related mental decline.
  • Try some aromatherapy. Smell new odors in the morning. Have new odors, like a bottle of mint extract ready to smell first thing in the morning, to "wake up" your brain.
  • Take a shower with your eyes closed. Your other senses become more active when you cannot see, and a shower engages several senses.
  • Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. This is difficult for some of us, and requires full attention the first time you try it.
  • Put on different clothes. Ever notice how you feel differently when you wear different clothes? You may think differently as well. Give it a try.
  • Learn to read braille. This is a tough one, but learning to read with your fingers definitely involves one of your senses in a new context.
  • Respond to a situation differently. Catch yourself in a normal and mostly unconscious response to a situation, and choose to respond in a different (and preferably better) way.
  • Find a new route to work. It doesn't have to be a longer route - just different. You may even find a faster way to work once you break your routine.
  • Act confidently. In a situation you are unsure about, choose to act confidently. You'll notice that your mind gets very active once you adopt the assumption that you will know what to do.
  • Distinguish coins using only your sense of touch. This brain exercise can be a way to kill time when waiting for an appointment. If you really want a challenge, see if you can distinguish paper currency denominations by touch.
  • Leave the lights off in the house. Get around your home by memory and feel. This certainly fully engages your attention, but be careful of course.
Quick Neurobic Exercises :-
  • Television Fun This one is not only fun, but good for stimulating creativity. You simply turn the volume off on television and invent the dialog based on what you see the characters doing. If you do this with a friend you can each play various roles. Most shows become comedies when doing this.
  • Read A New Magazine Find a magazine you normally wouldn't choose, and read it for a while. It should be a topic that you don't know much about. If you normally read about money-related topics, you might pick up a fishing magazine. As you read, relate what you are reading and learning to what you already know. This is another good creativity booster. It gets you out of your usual thinking patterns.
  • Shop In New Places Try a new store when you go shopping. It could be a new grocery store, just so you have to think to find your way around. It could also be a different kind of store that you would normally never visit
More Involved Neurobic Exercises:-
  • Have A Half-Speed Day Try this one on a day when you aren't going to work. The idea is to move at half your normal speed (if you are normally slow, you may want to try a double-speed day). This obviously requires concentration. You will become much more aware of actions that normally are mostly unconscious, such as brushing your teeth or sitting down.
  • Learn Sign Language Learning to talk with you hands definitely "involves one or more of your senses in a new context" (one of the rules of good neurobic exercises). If time is limited, you can learn just the basics, like how to say hello, tell someone your name, and spell out words. In larger cities, some deaf people sell a small pamphlet that teaches these basics.
  • New Recreation If you normally go to the city on the weekend, go camping instead. If you are normally an outdoor person on weekends, take a visit to the city for a change. In either case, find a way to make it interesting for you.
  • Garden Gardening, especially if you haven't been doing it regularly, meets all three criteria for a good neurobic exercise (see the page "Neurobics for the criteria). If you don't have the space for a garden outdoors, you can start a small herb garden in pots.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Earning Extra Income from Home

Earning extra income from home has become very important for many families in this poor economy. The ever rising price of fuel has hurt many families across America and the world. The ability to make money from home on the Internet has become a life line for struggling families.
A home business that allows people to work from home is the perfect way to increase your monthly income. Working from home is also a dream for many mothers who want to stay home with their children. Making money from home has never been easier thanks to the Internet. The ability to make money online and earn extra income from home has changed many lives. There are a wide variety of ways to earn money from home. Some of the basic ways to earn money from home are:

Affiliate Marketing:
This is one way to make money online. In simple terms you market a product or service on a web page. When a person follows a link from your advertising page and buys that product or service, you earn a commission. It involves you registering with the company and getting your affiliate ID. Then you simply market their products. Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic home based business that can help you earn extra income.

Ebook Sales:
One way to make extra income is to write an Ebook about something you have knowledge of. Then you sell that Ebook. You can see many examples of this on Ebay. This is a great way to make extra income. Everyone has a hobby or something in their life that they can write about.

Ebay Sales:
Selling items on Ebay is another great way to make extra income. You can buy items cheaply from garage sales and then sell them on Ebay for extra cash and make a profit. This is an extremely popular way of making money online.

Writing documents and articles that Internet Marketers need is another way to create a second income. It is a great way to earn extra cash.

Blogging is one way Internet Marketers advertise their affiliate programs. Blogs have to be updated with posts and articles in order to stay current on the search engines. Internet Marketers will pay you to post entries in their various Internet Marketing blogs. It is a quick way to make some extra cash.

Product sales:
This involves creating a shell store and selling products online. Most of these are actually linking to and selling products from Ebay. It is very involved and not for everyone. It is a great way to make money online however.
These are just a few of the more popular ways to earn extra income from home. The great thing about Internet Marketing and making money online is that you can do it from anywhere. You can do it from home in your under wear, on the road from your hotel room, or from the beach on vacation. Earning extra income from home has never been so available to so many people before. Find your niche and get started earning extra income today!If you want to earn extra income home then here are a few extra income ideas: Extra income opportunities such as direct selling have always been popular, as you only have to choose the product you wish to sell, set up a website and promote it. Well actually it’s not that easy. Although it may have been in the early days of the Internet, nowadays it’s harder to get noticed.
If you want to take the hassle out of selling, you know the dealing with buyers, advertising and shipping, then you may like the concept of consignment selling. With this method you only have to consign a product to receive a share of the selling price. You will normally be supplied with your own company website, complete with a back office and individuals will buy direct.If you have your own website and it is fairly established then many people choose extra income opportunities such as affiliate marketing where you place advertisements on your website, and you will earn commissions from the sales generated by the people visiting your site who click on the ads.
However, if you are new to the Internet and looking for a starting place, then you may be interested in some of the ready made online stores where you can be trading on the Internet within minutes. You need no design or programming experience and these online stores work alone, although you can integrate into an up and running website if you choose.When you rent one of these e-commerce stores you do not even have to worry about marketing, as they are fully search engine optimized and have the pertinent page titles, header tags and Meta tags, as well as an XML sitemap that will automatically be submitted to Google Sitemaps.
Setting up an extra income home business on the internet offers unprecedented extra income opportunities because the internet reaches a worldwide audience, people who can be your customers every hour of the day seven days a week, meaning that you can make money as you sleep.Unlike any other business it is easy too update product information, pitch and pricing without incurring mailing or printing costs. What’s more you can operate a home business with out the need of expensive office space. It is easy to keep track of your competition because your competitors will also be providing updated information and pricing on their websites.
It is important to remember that any business income you receive for goods or services, as well as any investment income will be liable for taxes, so make sure you check this out, when starting your extra income home business. Earn extra money So you want to earn extra money, and are considering setting up a home business, which you hope will help you to get rich. Perhaps a friend has recommended that one of the best ways to start a small business is by franchising. This can be an excellent way of earning extra money, but first you must do your homework, and learn the ins and outs, dos and don’t of buying a franchise.
Did you know that franchising in the USA is a model that makes a trillion dollars a year, and that more than half a million small business owners employ eight million workers? The first thing to remember is that although a good way to make money, franchising is not a get rich quick scheme, and it’s not for everyone.So before you start your home business, talk to as many business owners as you can, those who are already earning money from running a successful franchise, talk to the franchiser, ask as many questions as you can, and compare other systems in your area of interest.
It is important to read and comprehend the terms of the contract, and check the experience of the franchise’s managers, take a good look into their history, remember you are relying on their experience to earn extra money.It is then very important to evaluate yourself, and make sure you have the skills, and will be comfortable operating this type of small business. Then research, research, research and do even more research. It is impossible to stress how important this is, as the more you know the better your judgment will be and it is only you who can decide if running this type of small business, will be right and make money for you.
Now that you have learnt the do's, before you start franchising as a means of earning extra money, here are some very relevant, don'ts, and the most important is not to hurry your inquiries, as this will increase your probability of failure.
How To Earn Extra Money If you are wondering how to earn extra money, are interested in starting a small business, and rather like the idea of working from home, then starting an ad network may be just the job for you. Of course an understanding of online marketing techniques is a bonus, but it is not absolutely necessary, as there are numerous good books on the subject.
Ad networks are one of the best ways of online advertising and the network element is classifying the sale of ads, and looking for high traffic websites to place hyperlinks or banner ads for your clients. Of course if you decide to offer banner ad design in with your work from home services, you will need to know about graphic design, or have a special software program to help you out, as this can do away with the costs linked with outsourcing to a graphic designer, and so you will make extra money.Ad networks are no different to other ad agencies, as they seek web sites that draw the target group of their clients. The revenue you earn with this home business comes from the percentage of advertising money that you keep during each promotion.
Business opportunities like this have strong international prospects, because online advertising is an essential part of market for all businesses, no matter what country they operate from. You will also have to give a great deal of thought as regards your own marketing techniques, and I hope the following tips will you to see how to earn extra money, and the marketing techniques you need to employ.To make money you first have to make sure that you have links coming from other online advertising directories, and work on a sponsored listings drive to bid on suitable keyword phrases with the top search engines.
You will make extra money, increase the response to your ad network, and receive referral business to your site if you develop a complete associate/affiliate program.Launching your own tactical banner promotion on websites visited by your target market will soon help your small business grow, as will participating in discussion forums and newsgroups linked to online advertising, or the line of commerce that your ad network aims at.
If you also work from home in graphic design you can make extra money by designing banner advertisements for businesses that are not talented enough to do this.If you are still unsure how to earn extra money with an ad network why not take a look at some real life examples, such as Ad Force and Dot COM Marketing.

Ways To Earn Extra Money
If you want to build a better life for yourself and your family, or earn extra money for your summer vacation, then here are some ways to earn extra money.Have you noticed how difficult it is to find reliable tradesmen, how you can wait around for hours and they never turn up? So how about starting a referral service by forming a list of reliable tradesmen and referring them to other householders.
If you have a natural flair for decorating and furnishing, you can start a business house staging, and very often real estate agents, as well as home owners will employ you and this has to be one of the most satisfying ways to earn extra money for the creative individual.In the planning stage always allow for the unexpected and never over extend your finances. You may think you can save money if you don’t have to consult the professionals, but this is purely false economy, so never do this, as being cost conscious here may leave you without vital information about this small business model.Make sure you get the business your want, don’t take anyone else’s word about what’s best for you, and don’t take the first opportunity that comes along. Remember it’s your opportunity, your risk and your way to earn extra money. Earn Extra Money Online An internet business not only gives you the opportunity to start a small business and earn extra money online, but it is ideal if you want to break away from your unappreciative boss, rigid schedules, and having to get up early in the morning in order to commute to work.
These days the Internet offers you the chance of a lifetime to make money with a home business. Just take a moment to think how making contact with customers has changed over the last century, first print, then radio, TV, telephone and fax, but now the internet offers us the best ever medium yet, for sales, communication and easy money. The statistics show more than one billion Internet users have access in their homes to study, make inquiries, chat, and email, down load music and information and to shop.
Starting an online home business makes sense, because you not only reach a larger market and make fast money, but you also have lower overheads, especially when you consider the time and costs involved travelling too and throw your present place of work, or business.
It is easy to see why this trend is becoming the norm, and more and more people are seeking to earn extra money online, as more Shoppers gain trust in online transactions, with the new security based technologies.One of the first types of home business that became popular alongside the popularity of the Internet was an online craft site, especially as it is easy to make a variety of items at home. If you would like to make money from owning a craft website, then you will have to give this considerable thought to making each craft appear unique, and have other things that will keep the customer interested, and revisiting your site often, for example a website selling materials for patchwork will sell much more if people can see how a quilt will look if certain materials are used.
Other interactive features and contests are sure to keep people entertained and coming back for more, as will specially designed and ready cut out kits, for those who lack the time or confidence to start from scratch, free templates, tips, newsletters and the like. All these things make your customers feel they are part of a community, and it is this that will make your home business thrive and earn you fast money.You may decide to start a craft store selling your home made products, and find that you cannot keep up with demand, so why not find other craft makers and see if they would be interested in having their products sold on your website, with you taking a commission.
To start this type of home business you will need funding for the initial set up, a computer, scanner, digital camera, fireworks or similar software to process your images and you if you don’t have experience in web design, you will need to pay someone to do this for you. You will also have to pay a hosting firm and make sure your website is optimized for search engines, and learn marketing skills, but with good research and by paying attention to details, it will not be long before you start to earn extra money online.Regards

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