In tough times like these, people are doing more than just making economic and lifestyle adjustments that aren’t always chosen or even wanted. People just do what they have to do.
With these outward changes, though, I believe it’s more important than ever to reexamine our attitudes and beliefs. For those who have been in the Millionaire Mind community for some time, you’re familiar with how blueprint impacts our mental, emotional lives, and economic lives.
We all have our own mental ‘File Box.’ It labels and stores information, yes? Certain ways of thinking and belief systems? The way you think can only come from the information in those files. If it’s not in the file box, you don’t think it.
Unfortunately most of us have file folders that have mixed messages in it. Mixed messages create mixed results. So if you believe that you don’t have the experience to start your own business even though you want to, you’ll act accordingly and never have the experience of starting your own business. If you don’t believe that you have enough money to manage, you won’t manage your money, which means you’ll never have enough money to manage.
When you don’t periodically challenge your own beliefs, it’s kind of like driving with your foot on the gas pedal and on the brake at the same time. We’ve got mixed messages going out to the universe and to ourselves. We believe we want to get to where we say we want to go, yet some of our other beliefs hold us back.
We’ve got to revise some of those files or add some new ones so we can make new choices that seem perfectly logical and sensible toward what we want; files that support happiness and success versus those that don’t. We want to delete those files or at least neutralize them.
Whether you are naturally pessimistic or just facing uncertainty due to the current economic climate, develop the skill of challenging your negative, unconscious beliefs. However, instead of looking only at your beliefs, first look at your results and your ways of being! Look at your life and that will tell you what you MUST believe for those result to be there.
Describe your current life situation in the financial and work arena. Do you work for others, yourself, or not at all? Do you earn a lot of money, a little money, or a moderate amount of money? Where do you put your money if you have some? Are you a saver or a spender? Are you a risk taker or not? Do you love what you do or not?
Regardless of what you find, the truth is our lives are the way they are not just from circumstances we can’t control, but also because of that one area we can control though we don’t always take the time to do so: our belief system. We always act or not act in accordance with our beliefs. We co-share the results of this with the universe. Control what you can, and let the rest take care of itself.
Now it’s your turn. What are some of the things you’ve discovered about your belief system that may have surprised you? How long have you held on to these beliefs? How are you actively editing or deleting old, unsupportive beliefs? We want to hear from you!
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