Jade has been used for thousands of years for everything from tools, weapons and art. The Chinese revered the stone as the Stone of the Heavens. Montezuma was excited to find out that the Spanish were after his gold and not jade, since it was the most prized of possessions.
Jade's value in the east can be compared to that of diamonds in the west. It makes an excellent jewelry choice for rings, pendants, necklaces and bangles.
A jade ring is a great choice for a ring as it symbolizes eternal and everlasting love. It is said that the exchange of this stone binds lovers love for each other for eternity. Jade also brings wisdom to those who wear it. It gives protection and attracts prosperity.
There are many different colors that the stone can be found. Many of these different colors are perfect for jade rings.
K-Energy Jade Ring is manufactured by using natural jade infused with Universe Induced Energy (UIE) to provide unlimited energy and strength to human beings and protect the body against various bacteria.Usage:
Green symbolizes calm while blue jade symbolizes peace. Black jade gives protection from negative energy while red symbolizes love and power.
When choosing your jade ring be sure that the stone is not fake or faux jade. Many dealers try to pass glass, serpentines and even plastic as jade rings. There are a few things to look for to make sure that jade is real but it is always suggested to talk to a professional. To find out more about fake jade click on the links below.
Another reason that jade is a great choice for your ring is because of its ancient history. Jade has been used by almost every culture around the world. It originated in Euorpe but was integrated to most into the culture of the Chinese. The Chinese used it for burial ceremonies and even believed that jade could turn the mortal to immortal.
Another important thing to note is that this stone can come in two different forms: jadeite and nephrite. These are both "real" jade yet are slightly different in chemical composition. Jadeite is the harder and rarer of the two varieties and can be found in commercial amounts in Burma and Guatemala. Nephrite can be found all over the world and is the most common of the two jades. Nephrite is also softer but was the original stone used by the Chinese. Nephrite is what the Chinese called the "Stone of Heaven".
As you can see, jade is an excellent choice for a gift, engagement ring or wedding band. Be prepared to give this stone as a ring because it will bind your love forever more.