- What is feng shui and what is its purpose?
- Where does the practice of feng shui come from?
- What are the benefits of feng shui?
- Is feng shui the real deal or just superstition?
- How does feng shui work?
- How can I judge whether implementing feng shui principles in my office really helped?
- What are some basic feng shui principles?
- What is a bagua map?
- What kinds of companies out there do feng shui interior design arrangements for office furniture?
1) What is feng shui and what is its purpose?
Feng shui is a body of knowledge containing best practices and a set of guidelines for creating a balanced, harmonious environment, in terms of both exterior and interior applications. Pronounced “fung shway,” feng shui is derived from the Chinese words for “wind” and “water.”
Besides its origins with its focus centering on generating oneness with nature, feng shui’s meaning of “wind” and “water” is doubly relevant in that these two elements are very sensitive to the energy passing through each other. A calm night may have placid mist on the water and a gentle breeze, but if there is energy in disharmony, a hurricane could occur.
To prevent hurricanes from happening, feng shui teaches a combination of simple and complex rules that are orchestrated to correctly channel the energy around us and in us, which is called “chi” or “qi”. In business terms, your company’s chi could be interpreted as a mixture of what propels your team and compels clients towards mutual harmony and benefit. In other words, your company’s chi is basically the energy from your surroundings that promotes good business. Feng shui’s chi impacts on how comfortable you might feel in your home, the stress level at work, and even how welcome a new client feels upon entering your office.
2) Where does the practice of feng shui come from?
Ancient Chinese shamans and kings used feng shui principles involving astronomy to find connections between mankind and their surrounding home in the universe. Closely utilizing the science and cosmography of the first magnetic luopan compass and the luiren astrolabe, feng shui was used as a tool to determine time and layout plans for agriculture for bountiful harvests and to arrange graves, homes, palaces, businesses, and even whole cities. Feng shui relics and artifacts have been found dating back to even 3000 BC. It was during the Zhou dynasty (770-476 BC) that feng shui became interwoven with the I-Ching classic Book of Changes, fortune-reading trigrams and hexagrams with advice for what to do in certain situations in life.
3) What are the benefits of feng shui?
While the applications of feng shui have evolved over the years and some of the nuances of the rules have changed leading to new schools of thought, the art of feng shui has been tried and tested and has yielded thousands of years of steady results. Users of feng shui in the workplace cite increased productivity, reduced stress from disharmonious surroundings resulting in better health, morale, and energy level, and improved confidence among the benefits produced by feng shui’s impact. Other benefits include improved employee employer relations, better logistical flow of people, nicer office and office furniture aesthetics, and a deeper connection with nature.
4) Is feng shui the real deal or just superstition?
While some of feng shui’s belying meaning may seem mystical, much of feng shui is rooted in common sense and practical living. It has also been tried and tested over 5000 years and is still around. In fact, feng shui has been employed in some of the world’s most famous and successful architecture of both ancient and modern times. It should be noted that mystic astrology and scientific astronomy have closely been related since their beginnings, and a case can be made for astronomical alignments impacting life and energy – even stock prices – on Earth. As technology advances, more applications can be found for feng shui. Environmental psychology notes the benefits of ergonomically designed furniture based on scientifically reducing stress on the natural curves of the body – why not also a holistic ergonomic of naturally fitting into one’s environment?
5) How does feng shui work?
Feng shui takes information about your surrounding environment, accesses tools such as a bagua map, luoshu grid or luopan compass, and determines a reading for the appropriate design, layout and siting of a place of residency, business, repose, etc. Then a process is put into action involving the removal of bad energy, followed by the arranging of objects and furniture to channel the optimal flow of positive energy, and the additional placement of objects or arrangement to get the energy going. The way it works after this process takes place is really a continual awareness and sensitivity towards one’s surroundings and a attuning to a positive attitude towards becoming one with nature.
6) How can I judge whether implementing feng shui principles in my office really helped?
Write a checklist of before and after questions and survey your employees. You might ask:
- What is your personal stress level like at work?
- Are you more in tune with your surroundings?
- Do you feel that your concentration level has improved?
- Are your communications with fellow employees and supervisors improved?
- Is it easier to get around the office?
- What were you holding onto before implementing feng shui office techniques that you have since let go of?
- Is your focus more or less on career growth now as before?
These qualitative questions and of course the bottom line can help determine the ROI of feng shui in your office.
7) What are some basic feng shui principles?
Some basic feng shui tenets you might have heard include “don’t have your back to the door” and bring in red eggs and red fish for good luck. You should fundamentally follow the bagua map in geographic location / siting, exterior facing, interior allocation, and desk arrangement for various furniture, equipment, picture frames etc to match functionality with the reading. Decluttering your office is also a key element. Many other feng shui rules allow for freedom of space, strengthening hospitality, confidence and communication. Natural elements such as flowing organic lines, energetic paintings, windows, plants, and water are good for energizing and maintaining the flow of positive chi energy. Desk materials (wood, metal, glass) and interior colors also have their significance in feng shui.
8) What is a bagua map?
A bagua map is a grid and compass correlating 8 directions with 8 basic readings of chi in balance.
9) What kinds of companies out there do feng shui interior design arrangements for office furniture?
You may find that several companies out there do feng shui including interior designers, home decorators, architects, and more. However, not all companies that claim to do it can back it up, so do your homework. Also, while feng shui is a holistic teaching, employing many aspects of your surroundings (siting, physical building and appearance, interior arrangement and appearance, interior function, etc.) it is best to opt for a company with breadth of service. With the new and used office furniture reseller CubeKing for example, you have a one stop shop for office furniture purchasing, liquidation, removal and storage, as well as office space planning.
Recommendations for orchestrating and building your office and office furniture systems with the design element of shape in mind to provide the utmost in enriched interior character and brand identity...
Angular & Pointy
Sharp and jaunting angled office furniture can provide the persons inhabiting the office with feeling of , aggression, foresighted integration, and penetrating ideas. Concave shapes can be found in this environment too, where the edges point out. This is especially popular on tables and reception desks. Technologically advanced, innovative, entertainment, and acquisition-based companies should give office furniture of this type of shape a closer look – but don’t poke out your eye!
Rounded, Oval & Organic
Rounded and organic office furniture is perhaps the opposite of the aforementioned sharp and pointy. Instead of aggressive it is passive, flowing and receptive. It can almost be compared to the feminine aspect as opposed to the angular masculine. However, concave shapes (usually with rounded edges) can still be successfully thrown in with convex curves here. Organic companies value creative spontaneity, customer service, finesse, and perhaps even the environment. Liberal usage of free-flowing ovals and wavy lines can be contribute to very high energy levels in the office communicated through the office furniture. For a softer feel, employ more curve. Organic-shaped office furniture, including high-end work surfaces, chair backs, signage and carpeting patterns are an ever-growing trend in interior design for offices today.
Circular & Cylindrical
Perfect circles, concentric lines and cylinders are a more neutralized version of the organic, but can still add a lot of pep (think Target advertising campaign) to a company’s brand perception upon some outsider’s entry into the office. Round tables provide a sense of fellowship, roundish chairs provide ergonomics, and circular reception areas can run the gamut from austere to sporty. As such, companies that stand on full-service, flexibility and fun may find circular furniture ideal for their office furniture needs to reflect their brand.
Rectangular & Square
Traditional office furniture conceptions involve a lot of rectangular and square treatments of office furniture. Cubicles and call centers today don’t have to be completely square either. Squares and rectangles breathe stability, neutrality, calm, and objectivity. Aesthetically, these shapes also may reflect minimalism, the ultra-logical, or even a bit of intimidation to boot. This can be good for companies where financial stability, credibility and authority are of high priority and are qualities that are key benefits included in the company’s positioning statement and brand.